super EXCITED,my first experience in a plane yay.
and 1 wk wif all my friends!
can you imagine? ;)
just came back frm GB annual camp.
not bad,we even had spaghetti ice-cream and western food manz.
the games were fun and being around wif dearest mates :D
but sandcastle building caused me severe sunburn._.
and nw my whole back neck is like charcoal black
seriously,should have listened to joey and put more sunblock
10 plus more hrs
looking forward to this trip since the start of the year.
and i cant believe it's just tomorrow
time flows without knowing,
and there's a huge part of me which dun wan this to end ever
although i'm really excited
the feeling's like there's nothing to really look forward to anymore,
after this trip.
nothing exciting,nothing interesting,nothing meaningful.
i hate this feeling.
it's the same as ndp camp.
when i went back home after the celebration day
and realise and have to accept that everything ended.
after the 2 whole wks of trainings,
after the most fun overnight stay,
the pizzas and games-especially dinosaur-bone game
all these i'll never forget.
But i want this to be a fun trip,really fun ;D
go with a cheerful heart, and back wif a touched and joyous feel
this is my first long overseas experience,with just my friends
and i want to have a impact on everlasting happy memory.
so,i'm really going to make full use of it,
cherish every little moments
have fun all along yay.
Goodbye singapore for a week,and hello to Cambodia! ;D
A miracle starts
with the beat of a heart.
should be happy instead of solemn,
yet i can't bear to leave my class.203,i'm gonna miss you guys,okay.
All those times we spent together,the hardship and sweet memories we went through,
i wouldn't ever forget.
remember when we play cards almost everyday after mid-years?
remember those movies,those laughter,those tears?
we'll nt be all together again,
all gonna be separated into different streams,classes.
so even though everything changes nxt year,jiayous and work hard,203!
BEST LUCK in everything you does ;D
fire drill happened again.
everyting was the same,but ppl were more excited this time round.hah ;)
was chosen for XSP,and there's an introductory session tmr.morning 8a.m-9.
gotta wake up early._.when it's hols.
argh,i was looking forward to sleeping more and waking up late.
yesterday interview for this was scary,okay.
whole body went so nervous and was shivering all over.
yeah,i was shivering.
half due to the conference room which was like north pole,
and the other half was me._.
lucky it was the whole group interviewed together,not one-to-one
make it less scarier,manz.
1st section was self-introduction,each one of us take turns to introduce ourselves la.
chelsea first,then christina,yingting,vanessa,me and finally huiwen.
2nd section was to give us a scenario then hear our opinions,
about a mad bomber.
this part was funny,and relaxed a bit.
agree,disagree,agree,and disagree.
and what yingting and chelsea said made us all laugh,including the teachers.
oh yeah,the SWIM + BALL thingy on both sat and sun.
the new sengkang swimming pool was one of the nicest pools i've ever seen.
like wild wild wet,okay.except dun have the river and the floats.
but there were different slides,playground in pool and even the spa or bubble pool!
and even 2 separate real swimming pools.
difference is one is super cold,the other is warm.
how EXCITING,manz.
syl,ah grets,me and kinlun try out everything and my favourite part were slides! ;)
then went to have lunch in compass and played bball after that.
kinkey came to join us and yay,we played.
until we're tired out and home-ed.
Played vball/bball on sun.same place :)with same ppl.
three of us plus kinlun and kinkey.
matches and shooting balls. :D
and it rained halfway,and had to run for shelter.
didn't mind continue playing but the rain was too heavy._.was laughing so hard.
yeah,so decided to go ah grets's hse.since it was the nearest.
and laughed so much that lo,with all the playing.hah. ;D
YAY,tmr's 203 class outing. :D
going East Coast,and wearing class tee.
and i gotta bring a set of clothes there,since i may get wet.
and i think i will too. ;D
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure,to embrace the new.
had admin exercise in the morning and everybody was rushed by teachers.
was super hot in the carpark at first,okay.since there was no wind ._.
and coincidence,sat beside rachel.
then realised she's actually same register no. as me ._.
trip-ed to URA gallery was exciting,in the afternoon.
chatted and played with vanessa,huiwen,crystal,huifeng while waiting for the bus.
took ages,manz.had almost 2 hours to ourselves before we board the bus.
and,vanessa and me were suffocating while trying to snatch smth.
yay,passed chips around the bus and ate ;)
didn't get scolded by the bus driver,though.
since almost everyone was eating,hah.
somemore,the bus driver even smiled at us. :Dnice la.
then,arrived at the gallery super me.
i still thought it was a long trip.
explored and ran around,and i think we went to places we,actually shouldnt go.
but hah,it was fun :DD
went back to sch at about 5 plus.and joined back at my cca.
did drills,and guess what,i was right.
we gonna have INTENSIVE trainings during hols.
drill camp, drill practices, plus flag day.
wow,half of my hols are gone,okay.
and i still wanna go outings,class gatherings and lots more.
going swim + ball this weekend,yeah :DDlooking so forward to.
bringing face sunscreen for well as myself ;Dhah.
LYLAS,syl and ah grets ;D
we spent all our time and activities in the hall,
having movie screening and inter-class games.
my legs hurt,manz.for sitting so long without moving.
watched Racing stripes.that's the movie.
didn't heard of it before,though.but it was okay,quite nice la.
it was mostly about racing and animals.
yeah,and i think they're trying to show us what perserversance and determination can do. ;)
most of us were playing,chatting and sleeping.not even watching.
my class guys were even playing CARDS.
i was playing,of cause. ;D
and helping yuting with her shoelaces ._.
yay,u're finished ur exams!free ready la us :DD
tag at mine here,okay.
gonna make you frustrated like how u remind me to post on our blog before.hah.
oh yeah, SWIM + BALL! :D
and ah grets:
LYLAS!and rite,you can tell syl about what you've been bursting about nw. :D
it's so super cool la.
you too tag at mine arhs.but since u've been always tagging,i know you will.
unlike syl.hmph.
and too, SWIM + BALL! :D
tmr there;s field trip to URA gallery.
gonna miss my CCA.
which probably would be drills since we have to bring boots.
i think i miss drills.hah.
didn't get to do it after the drill compeition.
yeah,but since we have national drill com. next year,
there'll gonna be more drills,yay! :DD
True love never dies.
Exams're over ;Dwaiting hard for this day.
freedom and we can do whatever we want,yeah!
hah,syl,okay.i know u haven finish your exams.
but it'll soon be over,so give it your best shot,okay. ;)
and we gonna have fun at nxt week's SWIM + BALL!
so cool,and i cant wait. :DDD
feeling restless now,manz.
and ah grets,dun burst with the excitement.
yeah,know what u're talking bout.
shh...secret ;D
this reminds me of the 'shh...thinking of you' thingy. HAHAHA.
that was funny :D
gosh,just remember that i gotta return the library bks.
owe-ing them for almost 1 month.and argh.
gonna be fined again.
trip-ed to giant yesterday. :)exploring all around on my own
was laughing all the way,okay.because of my messages.made me laugh so hard.
wanna buy what i wanted and guess what?
met leona!she was the one who see me first,and called me.
and we chatted. :)
hah,was surprised to meet her there,cause i was nt expecting to see anyone there.
oh yeah,changed my blogskin.
was tired of the previous one and wanted to change long ago.
didn't manage to change,though.until nw :D
and this blogskin is nice.YES.
looking forward to. ;D
triple triple thanks to those who gave me hugs,encourge me and cheer me on.
Yuting,huiwen,vanessa,jiahui,kaiwei,afiqah,ziyan,yingting and so on...
(sorry if i didnt mention ur name,but i still do appreciate you.)
all compeititors have to run,and i was one of them.
the location was at bishan park,which is far away.
but there the place is nice.pond,playground and even echo walls.hahha.
and i and syafiqah went to toilet immediately.
i was urgently needing some place to rest and catch my breath.
and gosh,could feel the intense heat all rising within me.was super like on fire.
it's worth it all.
i gt the 18th place.and top 20 compeitive runners received trophys and medals.
the funny part was when yuting drenched me in mineral water and i drenched her too.
hah.and all of us became extremely wet.
even huiwen,huifeng,afiqah.we were having spashing-water-game with each other.with bottles of mineral water somemore.
guess where? PLAYGROUND! :DD
and i kept on alomost flying out.
and that is when yuting is lighter than me?!
met Crys for project in the afternoon and went to collect class tee together.
and she told me that Shangahi was so fun.argh.
i almost went with them,ok.
thought that we were going to be like the first ones to reach there.
but no.some boys reach earlier than us ready.
and gosh.
i saw Huiwen and suddenly rushed and hug her la. :Dhah.i guess i miss her too much.
and somemore,saw xuan ming.all of us were so surprised.
yesterday was fun.swimming. <3>
meet some new friends with Syl and my bro.
Alvina,Caven and Yuanying. they were all so cute.
especially Alvina.
did u noe she ran up to us and were still panting when she talked just to leave us her phone no.?
hahaha.cute,rite :D
and Syl finally gotten to know my cousin,chloe.
which was also her cousin's name.
that was unexpected.i didnt even noe my grandmother was bringing my cousin go swim la.
i love fate. :D
splash splash splash!
anyway, the Challenge on Sat was so so tiring.
it was quite interesting actually. we walked like 4-5 km? i think.
Joey,me,isabel and xiuming was chatting along the way when we are supposed to rush.
from waypoint to waypoint and do tasks.
but we still finished quite a lot! :D
hahaha :Du never noe.we might win.
the lunch part was nice. althought we had it so much later than other teams.
and had nasi lemak and iced milo.
but i like the iced milo! :D

*the love.the joy.the much memories.